Upgrade to Windows 11
Windows 11 was released on October 5th, 2021. If you own Windows 10, you should get a notification to upgrade for free! If you haven’t received that notification yet don’t worry. They are slowly rolling them out a
Read moreEasy access to any settings panel for Windows 10
As a technician we’re always looking for shortcuts to make our job more efficient. This webpage contains a list all the different commands to easily and quickly access different settings panels. These commands can be ru
Read moreQustodio – Easy parental controls
Qustodio is an inexpensive subscription based software that will help control the amount of Internet time on their tablets/computers/phones. Having Qustodio is like having a peaceful approach to Internet time. Our kids know w
Read moreAtom – A hackable text editor for the 21st century
If you do a lot of programming you’re going to want to check out Atom. Atom is a powerful modular text editor software that will allow you to write your code effortlessly. You can easily install new features that you ar
Read moreNew Windows 10 bug appears to break one of its most important tools
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