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Harmonix – Amplitude

Yesterday evening I decided that we’d plug in the old Playstation 2. I let my daughter pick a game and she chose Amplitude. Great choice! Amplitude is a classic gem, it plays like a music rhythm game. You choose which track you want to play on, each track represents a part of the song such as drums, bass, vocals etc.. then you match the beats with the correct timing. It is a great experience when playing with friends and family.

Harmonix has went a long way from when they started, you may be familiar with the title Rockband that almost everyone who had a console owned. It was a great game that forced people to come out of their shell to pick up an instrument and feel like they’re being part of a band all while having great fun without having to learn the instrument fully before being able to play.

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Viau Computer Solutions
PO Box 82
Val Caron, On
P3N 1N6

(705) 626-8428